Windows 8 in Easy Steps: Special Edition introduces the new version of Windows, due for release by Microsoft in October 2012. Windows 8 is designed for a range of hardware, from light-weight laptops to large, powerful desktop computers with high-definition screens. It gives you the option of switching between multi-touch display capabilities or keyboard and mouse. The new Metro interface is smooth and intuitive and gives instant access to your contacts, applications and data. However, you can still access Windows applications using the desktop, taskbar, task manager and search facilities which replace the Start menu featured in previous versions of Windows. Access your Windows 8 system using a local account or an online account, and extend its facilities through the Microsoft Store or using Windows Downloads.
Windows 8 in Easy Steps: Special Edition builds on Windows 8 in easy steps and Windows 8 For Seniors in easy steps, taking you to the next level so that you can take advantage of the enhanced interface. And then, use it as a key reference point to take full advantage of Windows 8 in the familiar In Easy Steps style.
About the Author
Michael Price is an accomplished author, IT journalist and systems consultant with a wide experience of computing systems ranging from mainframes to personal computers. He's also a successful author with several best-selling In Easy Steps books to his credit.