This volume is a technical guide to energy-efficient buildings, including information on energy-certification for buildings in Europe, Asia and North America, types of energy-efficient skins, walls, and new technologies. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings depends on aspects such as wall insulation, the type of façade used, building orientation, and the adoption of passive and/or active strategies during the construction phase and the life cycle of the project. In the same way as electrical appliances are currently sold with an energy efficiency ratings, there are also ecolabels and energy standards to guide the buyer or manager of a building to show whether it consumes more or less energy throughout its life cycle. The book includes energy certification labeled case studies rated by six international curators: Green Star, LEED – The Leadership in Energy and environmental Design, Passivhaus, MINERGIE, Effinergie and BREEAM – BRE Environment Assessment Method.
Giới thiệu các công trình kiến trúc tận dụng tối đa năng lượng thiên nhiên (năng lượng mặt trời, năng lượng gió…).