How do you manage performance? If you come across as too directive you may get a reputation for harshness. If you are too nice you risk being known as a gullible and easily outmaneuvered. Neither approach works.
‘Employee engagement’ is the magical ingredient: it makes staff genuinely committed, creating excellent work. Few organizations actually achieve it, though all say they want it. Coaching is the most reliable a way of producing it.
In Manager as Coach, Jenny Rogers challenges many of the traditional assumptions about what works in management and shows you, step by step, how to be a brilliant manager and get fantastic results:
• Reduce your stress
• Develop employees' key skills
• Create a culture of engagement
• Improve bottom line results
Managers / leaders at all levels.
Jenny Rogers is one of the leading executive coaches in the UK with more than 20 years of experience. Her clients are typically chief executives and directors of large organizations. She writes extensively about coaching and leadership and has trained many hundreds of managers in coaching skills in the UK and internationally.
Karen Whittleworth is an acclaimed trainer, coach and coach supervisor, and the founding director of Worth Consulting Ltd.
Andrew Gilbert is internationally known as a speaker, trainer and executive coach. He is the co-director of Worth Consulting Ltd.