Building upon the success of his Million Dollar series, which includes bestseller Million Dollar Consulting, Alan Weiss, teamed with globally renowned internet expert Chad Barr, shows you how to cash in on the unmatched reach of the web. Empowered to tactically leverage technology, from your website to mobile marketing, uncover the secrets to dramatically elevating your brand—and ultimately, driving more revenue and growing your business.
Alan Weiss, Ph.D., (East Greenwich, RI) is a consultant, speaker, and author of 45 books, including his bestseller, Million Dollar Consulting. He is the founder of consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc. co-creator of Million Dollar Websites: Weiss is the founder of blog and online community,
Chad Barr (Shaker Heights, OH) is the founder and president of CB Software Systems, Inc. a web, internet and software development firm, where he specializes in the development of innovative web solutions and strategies, combined with effective and practical marketing concepts. He is also the co-creator of Million Dollar Websites:
About the author
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide.
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