Lead yourself to success—and others are sure to follow
“For leaders looking for a plan of ‘Why, What, and How’ to become a better leader, the answer is between the covers of this book.”
—Chester Elton, New York Times bestselling author of The Carrot Principle, The Orange Revolution, and All In
“Ever wish you could be more confident, more engaged, or more productive in your life? Look no further. All the concepts and tools are right here.”
—Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D., Psychologist and Education Director, VIA Institute on Character
“Self-reliance, courage, confidence, emotional self-awareness, and perseverance encompassed into one leadership concept.”
—Garee W. Earnest, Ph.D., Professor, The Ohio State University
“Bryant and Kazan’s groundbreaking work challenges us to take the first small steps of what will be for many a lifelong journey of self-discovery from the inside out.”
—R. Dale Safrit, Ed.D., Professor, North Carolina State University
“Andrew and Ana’s . . . research, insights, and experience provide a practical tool-kit on how you can choose to live your life and your work and influence others to do the same.”
—Philip Beck, Chairman, Dubeta
“It is generally accepted in the business literature that the heart of leadership is leading self. I believe that leading self is also the path to being a ‘responsible’ leader. The important contribution made by Self Leadershipis that it tells you what to do if you want to get better at leading self. Read this book if you desire to be more effective as a leader and remember, "You don't have to be bad at leadership to get better."
—Stephen C. Lundin Ph.D., author of the bestseller, Fish!
About the Author
Andrew Bryant, CSP, PCC is an international thought leader specializing in Self-leadership, the power of influence and developing leaders for the future with an emphasis on Asia specifically. He is the founder of Self Leadership International as well as an executive coach and leadership consultant.
Ana Kazan, PhD is a university professor and a researcher in Brazil and Research and Data Analysis Director of Kazan & Associates Consultants. She teaches Organizational Communication, Organizational Psychology and Leadership, Research Methods, and Self-Leadership courses in the state of Sao Paulo.
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