The true story behind the rise of the world's largest technology company, with exclusive insider interviews
This is the story of how the sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll generation changed the world forever. Meet the crazy ones who created Silicon Valley—the hippies who started the Homebrew Computer Club, the young ad executive who first sketched out Apple's iconic logo, and the engineers who met lying down in a cardboard geodesic dome at Stanford University. From Steve Wozniak, who built the first breakthrough Apple computers, to Jony Ive, who imagined the iPod—the designers and programmers, the geeks, creatives, and dreamers, they are all here. And at the center of it all, a bearded and barefoot Steve Jobs, whose singular vision would will Apple Inc. into a future that it would come to own.
"A gripping and often hilarious study of how a bunch of rebels came to influence all our lives. In the words of nerds, this is an impossibly awesome piece of work." — Simon Garfield, author, Just My Type
"A compelling page-turner that includes just enough unique details to keep even the discerning Apple historian happy. . . a must for the bookshelf of anyone who has found their life to have been benefited by the many fruits of the Apple tree." — The Unofficial Apple Weblog
About the Author
Luke Dormehl is a journalist and an award-winning documentary filmmaker. With a particular focus on pop culture, his writing has appeared extensively in dozens of online and print publications, while his films have been screened at Cannes.