Before you can lead others, you must learn to lead yourself. Yet those tasked with leadership roles must discover what their people - and their companies - respond to as they go. The "Leader's Pocket Guide" provides readers with concise, on-the-job expertise to inspire and direct them on their professional journey. Organized into three easy-reference sections - Self, Colleagues, and Organization - the book supplies readers with tactical tips on how to: deliver Inspiration; demonstrate character; develop confidence; communicate with authority; think critically; foster innovation; connect with others; resolve conflicts; add buzz to their leadership brand; coach for development; recognize achievement; instill company-wide purpose; and deal with adversity. Augmented by up-to-date research on the role of leaders and the expectations followers have for them, this pithy, powerful, and portable guide contains energizing action tips, self-assessments, and "Think About..." sections to spur readers on to reach continuously greater heights of leadership excellence.
About the Author
JOHN BALDONI, president of Baldoni Consulting LLC, is an internationally recognized executive coach, speaker, and author. In 2011, Leadership Gurus International ranked John No. 11 on its list of the world’s top 30 leadership experts. He is a regular online contributor to CBS MoneyWatch, Inc, and Harvard Business Review.
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