The way a company designs its sales compensation program has a greater impact on behavior and results than any sales training, sales management method, or leadership message. Yet most senior executives fail to see the big picture, leading to fundamental misalignments between sales strategy and organizational goals.
Featuring insightful interviews with Fortune 1000 C-level executives and real lessons from the field, this essential book reveals the tough questions leaders should be asking about how sales incentives drive the business. It provides valuable thought models and a Revenue Roadmap identifying the four major competency areas and 16 related disciplines that must connect for an organization to grow profitably. Last but not least, readers will find an interactive report card they can use to grade their own compensation plans.
Sales compensation powers the performance of the entire business. What Your CEO Needs to Know about Sales Compensation casts a spotlight on how leaders at all levels can leverage the strategic power of incentives to reach the ultimate goals of their organization.
MARK DONNOLO has worked as a leading sales effectiveness consultant for more than 25 years, helping Fortune 1000 companies including UPS, LexisNexis, Office Depot, AT&T, and KPMG. He is managing partner of SalesGlobe, a leading sales effectiveness consulting firm, and a founder of SalesGlobe Forum.