Building on his classic guide Winning Body Language, master communications expert Mark Bowden reveals essential nonverbal strategies that help win sales
Whether calling on a potential client for the first time, delivering a presentation, analyzing a client's needs, or making a sale, how the message is delivered matters as much as—or more than—what's being said. Winning Body Language for Sales Professionals unlocks the secrets of nonverbal communication to give sales specialists an unbeatable advantage.
Mark Bowden has coached hundreds of clients how to communicate more effectively and influentially. In this guide, he delivers step-by-step guidance and demonstrations specifically tailored for sales pros, including how to read situations and cues in prospective clients' body language; knowing when (and how) to sit and stand; and subtle alterations to body language that convey positive energy, persuade and influence, and put customers at ease!
Mark Bowden is a noted body language expert and creator of TruthPlane(TM), a communication and presentation training program used by Fortune 50 companies and CEOs throughout the world.
About the Author
Mark Bowden is the creator of TruthPlane(tm), a unique business presentation skills training model for individuals and groups that focuses on the influential verbal and nonverbal communication techniques that help you stand out, win trust, and profit every time you speak. His client list of leading businesspeople, teams, and politicians currently includes presidents and CEOs of Fortune 50 companies and prime ministers of G8 powers.