A comprehensive textbook spanning the entire scope of cardiovascular and pulmonary practice
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy reflects the broadest possible spectrum of cardiovascular and pulmonary practice and draws upon the expertise of more than two dozen internationally recognized contributors. The second edition has been updated to cover the sweeping changes that have occurred in both the practice of physical therapy and the education of physical therapy students. These changes include health care cost containment, the introduction of the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, and the utilization of the disablement model.
- The Guide to Physical Therapy Practice is integrated throughout with an entire chapter devoted to its history and use
- Preferred practice patterns for cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy form the core of eight chapters are used as springboards to describe interventions and outcomes
- Case studies in practice pattern chapters allows readers to experience the proper application of the practice patterns
- The patient-client management model is used in the case studies with appropriate test, measures, and interventions selected from the practice patterns and applied to the patient
- “International Perspectives” provide a way to gain insight into the global practice of physical therapy
- Evidence-based and peer reviewed published material is included to help readers develop specific intervention regimens
- Companion CD-ROM includes case-study-based exercises, video clips illustrating technical psychomotor skills, and demonstrations of cardiac and pulmonary physical exams
Đây là ấn bản thứ hai được cập nhật trong phương pháp vật lý trị liệu. Những thay đổi này bao gồm chi phí chăm sóc y tế, sự ra đời của vật lý trị liệu hướng dẫn thực hành và sử dụng các mô hình.
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!