A therapeutic modality is a method or agent that is used in the physical treatment of a disorder. In Physical Therapy and related fields, the term refers to the use of electrical, thermal, light, mechanical, and manual methods and agents in the treatment of patients. Some specific examples of modalities include things as simple as applying a cold pack to a swollen ankle, to more complex treatments like using electrical stimulation to treat an injured muscle or nerve.
Therapeutic Modalities is a standard course in the PT curriculum, so this is an adoptable textbook, and by a well-respected and published author.
Key Selling Features
- Full-color design Case studies provide real-life scenarios to help students prepare for various treatments Laboratory Activities at the end of each chapter provide information and list of procedures to ensure knowledge and understanding of modalities.
- An evaluation checklist is provided so the instructor or supervisor can assess competency.
- Content updated to reflect the most up-to-date evidence in support of modality treatments.
- The most comprehensive therapeutic modalities book on the market, this text provides coverage of both the theory and practical application of modalities.
- In addition to the new full-color design, the book also provides plenty of case studies; laboratory activities and illustrations/photos that help students master the material.