Learn the fundamentals of anesthesiology in the context of real patients.
"The book targets medical students, but even junior anesthesia trainees would find it very compelling....Although it has the appearance of a handbook, this book is an overview of clinical anesthesiology. It takes a simulation approach to drive home essential concepts of anesthesia management in different disease conditions. Of all the handy books out there, this is perhaps the only one that teaches anesthesia in the context of real patients rather than merely stating facts. It would be an invaluable aid to medical students doing anesthesia clerkships or junior anesthesia trainees who need a quick review for an emergency case in the middle of the night."--Doody's Review Service
Case Files: Anesthesiology contains 53 high-yield cases with open-ended questions. Each case includes an extended discussion, definitions, clinical Pearls, 3-5 USMLE-style comprehension questions, and references to the most current literature for further reading.
- 53 high-yield clinical situations tailored for management of the anesthetic patient
- Clear and easy-to-follow case-based format helps readers develop clinical thinking skills
- Clinical pearls give evidence-based recommendations for patient management
- USMLE-style comprehension questions accompany each case
- Content enhanced by numerous tables, illustrations, and clinical images
Content that makes learning easy:
Preoperative evaluation: Preoperative evaluation: cardiac and pulmonary disease, Preoperative evaluation in an obese patient, Anesthesia in Patients with Heart Disease: Coronary artery disease, Pulmonary hypertension, R heart failure, Left Heart failure, Mitral stenosis, mitral insufficiency, Aortic stenosis, Subacute Aortic Hypertrophy, Congestive heart failure, AICD, Abdominal aortic aneurysm/stint, open Cardiac tamponade, Protamine reaction Anesthesia for the Patient with Pulmonary Disease: Anesthesia in a patient with reactive airway disease, Anesthesia in a patient with COPD, Thoracotomy, Aspiration, Anesthesia for the Patient with Neurological or Neurosurgical Conditions: Subdural hematoma/head injury, Crainotomy for mass excision, Crainotomy for aneurysm, The quadriplegic, Cervical fracture, Myasthenia gravis, Anesthesia for obstetrics: For caeserian section, Appendectomy or cholecystectomy in a pregnant patient, Total spinal, Local anesthetic toxicity, Anesthesia in the Pediatric Patient: Child with a Foreign Body, Cleft Palate, Anesthesia for a tonsillectomy--sleep apnea, and hemorrhage, Pyloric stenosis, Anesthesia in Patients with Hematologic Disorders: Hemaglobinapathy, Transfusion reaction, Coagulopathies, Anesthesia for Patients with Endocrinologic or Metabolic Disorders: Diabetes--hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia, Malignant hypertension/pheochromocytoma, Malignant hyperthermia, Cholinesterase deficiency, Anesthesia Special Situations: Complication of laporoscopy--ptx, air embolism, Complication of laporoscopy--occult hemorrhage, Burns, Trauma, MRI, Hypoxia of unknown etiology (equipment failure), Monitoring (including PA line, TEE), Awareness under anesthesia, End of life/ethics.
About the author
Lydia A. Conlay, MD, PhD, MBA is Professor of Anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine and works in the operating rooms of the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Houston, Texas). Dr. Conlay received her medical degree at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport, her Ph.D. in Neural and Endocrine Regulation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and completed a residency in anesthesiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, where she remained on the faculty for almost two decades. Subsequently, she obtained an M.B.A. at the Boston University School of Management, and chaired the Departments of Anesthesiology of the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia and Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Dr. Conlay also served as president of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia, and the Society for Academic Anesthesia Chairs, and trustee of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
Julia E. Pollock, MD is in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington.
Mary Ann Vann, MD is in the Department of Anesthesia and Care at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.
Eugene C. Toy, MD is a dual certified family physician and ob/gyn and is Academic Chief and Program Director for the Obstetrics and Gynecology residency at The Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas. He also oversees the ob/gyn clerkship at St. Joseph Hospital and is actively involved in teaching medical students.
Sheela Pai, MD is in the Department of Anesthesiology at Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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