The perfect quick reference on the wards and in the clinic!
The famous "one disease per page" design!
CURRENT Essentials of Medicine is a practical, point-of-care pocket handbook that offers "nutshell" information on the diagnosis and treatment of more than 500 medical disorders seen in both primary care and hospital settings. Perfect as a quick reference on the wards or in a busy clinic, this is THE ONLY pocket guide to offer disease essentials in a one-disease-per-page bulleted format. Practical pearls, for which the authors are well known, are offered for almost all conditions.
- To-the-point information on the diagnosis and treatment of more than 500 of the most common diseases seen in clinical practice
- Convenient one-disease-per page presentation
- Bulleted data for each disease covering Essentials of Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment, Pearl, and Reference
- Encompasses both ambulatory and inpatient medicine
- Includes internal medicine, plus specialties such as obstetrics/gynecology, surgery, and pediatrics
About the Author
Lawrence M. Tierney, Jr., MD
Professor of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Associate Chief of Medical Services
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
San Francisco, CA
Sanjay Saint, MD, MPH
Associate Chief of Medicine, Ann Arbor VA Medical Center
Director, VA/UM Patient Safety Enhancement Program
Professor of Internal Medicine, University
of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, MI
Mary A. Whooley, MD
Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University of California, San Francisco
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
San Francisco, CA