Diagnosis and Management of Adult Congenital Heart Disease, by Drs. Gatzoulis, Webb, and Daubeney, is a practical, one-stop resource designed to help you manage the unique challenges of treating long-term adult survivors of congenital heart disease. Authored by internationally known leaders in the field, this edition is the first that truly integrates anatomy and imaging technology into clinical practice, and includes new chapters on cardiac CT for ACHD assessment, critical and perioperative care, anesthesia for ACHD surgery, cardiac resynchronization therapy, and transition of care. Congenital defects are presented with high-quality illustrations and appropriate imaging modalities. Easy access to the complete contents and image library can be found at expertconsult.com.
- Find all the information you need in one user-friendly resource that integrates anatomy, clinical signs, and therapeutic options.
- Confidently make decisions aided by specific recommendations about the benefits and risks of surgeries, catheter interventions, and drug therapy for difficult clinical problems.
- Recognize and diagnose morphologic disorders with the help of detailed, full-color diagrams.
Quickly find what you need thanks to easily accessible, consistently organized chapters and key annotated references.
- Keep pace with the latest advancements including five new chapters on cardiac CT for ACHD assessment, critical and perioperative care, anaesthesia for ACHD surgery, cardiac resynchronisation therapy, and transition of care
- Comply with the latest European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and American College of Cardiology (ACC) practice guidelines - integrated throughout the book - for cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronisation therapy
- Access the book from any computer at expertconsult.com, complete with the full text and entire image library
- See imaging findings as they appear in practice and discern subtle nuances thanks to new, high-quality images and illustrations
"It addresses the full spectrum of common and uncommon congenital heart diseases. The graphics, color art, and illustrations are of excellent quality and very helpful in the often difficult to describe complex anatomy and surgical corrections of congenital heart disease. This is a high-caliber book that offers relevant clinical information for healthcare providers. As the pediatric population of patients with congenital heart disease now surviving into adulthood continues to grow, cardiovascular practitioners will increasingly encounter unique problems. Helpful resources such as this will provide them with a current knowledge base to address these issues with their patients." -Cory Adam Waldman, MD, JD, Doody's Review, 4 Stars