Quickly learn the microbiology fundamentals you need to know with Medical Microbiology, 7th Edition, by Dr. Patrick R. Murray, Dr. Ken S. Rosenthal, and Dr. Michael A. Pfaller. Newly reorganized to correspond with integrated curricula and changing study habits, this practical and manageable text is clearly written and easy to use, presenting clinically relevant information about microbes and their diseases in a succinct and engaging manner.
- Master the essentials of medical microbiology, including basic principles, immunology, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology.
- Progress logically through consistently formatted chapters that examine etiology, epidemiology, disease presentation, host defenses, identification, diagnosis, prevention, and control for each microbe.
- Grasp complex material quickly with summary tables and text boxes that emphasize essential concepts and issues.
- Access the complete text, additional images, 200 self-assessment questions, animations, and more online at studentconsult.com.
- Learn the most up-to-date and relevant information in medical microbiology.
- Study efficiently thanks to a reorganized format that places review chapters at the beginning of each section and review questions at the end of each chapter.
- Focus on clinical relevance with new interactive case presentations to introduce each of the microbial pathogens that illustrate the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases.
- Visualize the clinical presentations of infections with new and updated clinical photographs, images, and illustrations.
"As someone who has used this book in the past, I know it is excellent for teaching medical students. It also is reasonably priced for students who are dealing with the high cost of medical education. The most valuable features are the excellent pictures and figures that enhance the understanding of complex issues. Each chapter is followed by a few thought-provoking questions that can be used during teaching to encourage deeper understanding of the material.
Although written for medical students in the first years of training, the book also is very useful for students in advanced training such as residency or fellowships." - Rebecca T. Horvat, PhD, D(ABMM)(University of Kansas Medical Center), from Doody's Reviews
About the author
Dr. Patrick R. Murray, an Elsevier Author, is worldwide director of Scientific Affairs at BD Diagnostic Systems. He has an esteemed career in academics and clinical practice, and has served as chief of the Clinical Microbiology Service in the Clinical Center Department of Laboratory Medicine.
For more information, visit http://elsevierauthors.com/patrickmurray